Blue | 台北市立動物園資訊網
Blue-headedPionushaveareputationasbeingalaid-back,quietparrotthatcanbeterritorialaroundthecage.Whileablue-headedPionusmightnotbeas ...
Blue-headed Pionus have a reputation as being a laid-back, quiet parrot that can be territorial around the cage. While a blue-headed Pionus might not be as cuddly as other parrots, this bird can be quite affectionate, especially if it has been raised with respectful interaction and consistent one-on-one interaction. A frightened blue-headed Pionus parrot might make an audible wheezing sound, which an owner might mistake as a medical condition.
The Pionus, in general, is known to be a quiet, easy-going, slightly-standoffish, mid-sized parrot. In truth, these descriptions are based on comparisons to the more commonly kept parrot species. Compared to the Amazon, conure and macaw, the Pionus is indeed quiet. Compared to lovebirds and African greys, it is very easy-going. Compared to cockatoos, it is a little standoffish. But Pionus lovers tell a different story — their birds are affectionate (though not complete love-sponges), quieter than other parrots (though not si...
Choosing a Blue | 台北市立動物園資訊網
Blue | 台北市立動物園資訊網
Blue Headed Parrot Care | 台北市立動物園資訊網
Blue | 台北市立動物園資訊網
Blue Headed Macaw (Coulon's Macaw) | 台北市立動物園資訊網
Blue | 台北市立動物園資訊網
Blue | 台北市立動物園資訊網
Macaw Personality | 台北市立動物園資訊網
Blue-headed Macaw | 台北市立動物園資訊網