common crane | 台北市立動物園資訊網
Thecommoncrane(Grusgrus),alsoknownastheEurasiancrane,isabirdofthefamilyGruidae,thecranes.Amedium-sizedspecies,itistheonlycrane ...,Generallyuncommoninopen,mainlywildcountry.Breedsfromreedylakeshorestoboggyclearingsinborealforest,wintersinwetlandsandfarmland.,ThiscraneisrelativelycommoninpartsofEurasia,butstrictlyanaccidentalvisitortoNorthAmerica.Mostrecordshavebeenofbirdsinmigratingflocksof ...,AstheUK'stallestbirdthecommoncraneisinstantlyrecognisablewiththeruffleoftailfeathersandverylongleg...
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Common crane | 台北市立動物園資訊網
The common crane (Grus grus), also known as the Eurasian crane, is a bird of the family Gruidae, the cranes. A medium-sized species, it is the only crane ... Read More
Common Crane | 台北市立動物園資訊網
Generally uncommon in open, mainly wild country. Breeds from reedy lakeshores to boggy clearings in boreal forest, winters in wetlands and farmland. Read More
Common Crane | 台北市立動物園資訊網
This crane is relatively common in parts of Eurasia, but strictly an accidental visitor to North America. Most records have been of birds in migrating flocks of ... Read More
Common crane | 台北市立動物園資訊網
As the UK's tallest bird the common crane is instantly recognisable with the ruffle of tail feathers and very long legs. Their bugling call is also very distinctive. Read More
Where to see common cranes | 台北市立動物園資訊網
The common crane. The dance of the cranes is famous worldwide. Heads thrown back, wings flapping, tail feathers fluffed, and feet stamping; this is how ... Read More
Common Crane | 台北市立動物園資訊網
The Common Crane is a bird of Eurasia and Africa, but in North America, single birds have occasionally been found within flocks of Sandhill Cranes. In North ... Read More
Crane Bird Facts | 台北市立動物園資訊網
The crane is a huge, graceful, mainly grey bird with long legs, a long neck ... Common or Eurasian crane Grus grus, families compete aggressively for food in ... Read More
The Common Cranes - Grus grus | 台北市立動物園資訊網
The Common Crane is a shy bird which flees from the least danger by running on a few meters with spread wings before to fly away. It is a noisy bird too! Its voice ... Read More
Common crane | 台北市立動物園資訊網
As the UK's tallest bird the common crane is instantly recognisable with the ruffle of tail feathers and very long legs. Their bugling call is also very distinctive. Read More
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