Rhinoceros Beetles | 台北市立動物園資訊網
At7cminlengththeshinyblackRhinocerosBeetleorRhinoBeetle(Xylotrupesulysses)isAustralia'slargestbeetle.Onlythemaleshavehorns;theyusethemto ...
What do Rhinoceros Beetles look like?
At 7cm in length the shiny black Rhinoceros Beetle or Rhino Beetle (Xylotrupes ulysses) is Australia’s largest beetle. Only the males have horns; they use them to fight with other males to win the attention of their favourite females.
Rhino Beetle babies are huge too. They are c-shaped, white grubs with fine reddish hairs and a brown head. At full size, they can be up to 7 cm long and really plump.
Where are Rhinoceros Beetles found?
Rhino Beetles only live in warm coastal tropical or subtropical climates. In Australia they are mostly found in Queensland, the Northern Territory and northern New South Wales. If you go for a walk on a warm night in the tropics, you may even hear a Rhino Beetle’s distinctive hissing sound.
Fast facts:
Rhino Beetles are said to be the strongest animals on the planet. They are able to lift up to 850 times their own body weight. That’s like a human lift...Beetles | 台北市立動物園資訊網
Rhinoceros Beetles | 台北市立動物園資訊網
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