How To Breed Dubia Roaches Successfully (Ultimate ... | 台北市立動物園資訊網
Enclosurebinsandsize—Enclosurebinsandsize.Tohouseabreedingcolonyingoodcondition,oneofthemostimportantcomponentsisasuitable ...
Dubia roaches, also called Guyana orange spotted cockroaches, are one of the most known insects used as a food source for zoo animals. They are an excellent feeding source, especially for animals that require larger insects. Think of mongooses or primates, but numerous reptiles favour them as well. Many suppliers can deliver cockroaches in constant and large quantities, but it may be interesting to breed them yourself. They are easy breeders when you maintain your dubia colony in good condition. This practical guide increases your prospect to create a self-sustaining cockroach breeder colony to use as feeder insects for other animals in a zoo and animal facilities. This guide contains information on how to care for them, how to house them, and to make an easy set up for breeding cockroaches to maximize your supply of a healthy food source. Make yourself ready to breed dubia cockroaches successfully with thi...