Leatherback Sea Turtle | 台北市立動物園資訊網
LeatherbackSeaTurtle...LeatherbacksarethelargestturtlesonEarth,growinguptosevenfeetlongandexceeding2,000pounds.Thesereptilianrelicsarethe ...
Common Name: Leatherback Sea Turtle
Scientific Name: Dermochelys coriacea
Type: Reptiles
Diet: Carnivore
Average Life Span In The Wild: 45 years
Size: Up to 7 feet
Weight: Up to 2,000 pounds
Size relative to a 6-ft man: IUCN Red List Status: ? VulnerableLeast Concern Extinct
Current Population Trend: DecreasingLeatherbacks are the largest turtles on Earth, growing up to seven feet long and exceeding 2,000 pounds. These reptilian relics are the only remaining representatives of a family of turtles that traces its evolutionary roots back more than 100 million years. Once prevalent in every ocean except the Arctic and Antarctic, the leatherback population is rapidly declining in many parts of the world.
Turtle ShellWhile all other sea turtles have hard, bony shells, the inky-blue carapace of the leatherback is somewhat flexible and almost rubbery to the touch. Ridges along the carapace help give it a more hydrodynamic structur...
Leatherback sea turtle | 台北市立動物園資訊網
Leatherback Turtle | Sea Turtles | 台北市立動物園資訊網
Leatherback Turtle | 台北市立動物園資訊網
Leatherback Turtle | 台北市立動物園資訊網
Leatherback Sea Turtle | 台北市立動物園資訊網
Leatherback Sea Turtle | 台北市立動物園資訊網
Information About Sea Turtles | 台北市立動物園資訊網
leatherback turtle 在英語 | 台北市立動物園資訊網
Leatherback turtle | 台北市立動物園資訊網