Crax Corn Rings | 台北市立動物園資訊網
6excitingflavours-Chatpata,TangyTomato,MasalaMania,PudinaPunch,ThaiSweetChilli&MastCheese-guaranteelip-smackingsatisfaction.Itsuniquering ...
Launched in 1984, this was the first product of its kind to hit Indian retail shelves and it did so with a Bang! In no time, it became quite the favourite especially among children, finding its way into many a tiffin break!
What makes this product so special is its unique combination of irresistible taste, healthy ingredients, and a whole lot of fun! 6 exciting flavours - Chatpata, Tangy Tomato, Masala Mania, Pudina Punch, Thai Sweet Chilli & Mast Cheese - guarantee lip-smacking satisfaction. Its unique ring shape has captured the hearts and fingers of two generations of children!
Baked, not fried, CRAX Corn Rings have a lower fat content than most popular snacks.
Available in two pack sizes - priced at Rs.5 and Rs.10.
CRAX CORN RINGS | 台北市立動物園資訊網
Crax Corn Rings | 台北市立動物園資訊網
DFM Foods | 台北市立動物園資訊網
Low Fat Snacks for Kids by DFM Foods like Crax | 台北市立動物園資訊網
Buy CRAX Corn Rings Chips online at | 台北市立動物園資訊網
Crax Curls | 台北市立動物園資訊網
Bizim Foods | 台北市立動物園資訊網