What Do Box Turtles Eat? (Food List and Feeding Chart) | 台北市立動物園資訊網
What do box turtles eat? We’ll cover everything in this guide.
If you’ve been to the reptile show, you’ve seen at least one of these animals in a pet store, usually with a large eye-catching sign that says “eaten by T. Rex.”
Box turtles are cute, and there are hundreds of varieties, but they do need food.
This animal has been bred by people for food. The first creatures were likely pets, and they certainly were not wild.
However, over time, more boxes were taken from natural environments and began being used as pet animals.
Now, if you want to keep one as a pet, you’ll need to know a few things about the types of food that they eat, and how much they should be fed.
Turtles are aquatic animals, which mean they are best suited to eating mostly vegetables and fruits. They love fresh vegetables, including lettuce and celery.
Anything green is tasty, and it’s also easy to harvest. To get their favorite ve...
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