10 | 台北市立動物園資訊網
2013年2月15日—10-06麻斑晏蜓.學名:AnaxpanybeusHagen,1867全長:8.0~8.7cm英名:CommonEmperor ...
The dragonfly species in this collection includes those occur in Taiwan main island, Peng-hu islands, Green Island and Orchid Island (Lanyu), excluding few occur only in Quemoy islands (Kinmen) and Matsu Islands off the Fujian coast. Questionable and some of the very occasional species may have no photos. A few photos were taken in areas outside Taiwan such as Hong Kong. Most of the photos were taken in the wild while a few were taken at indoor settings. I would like to thank Mr. Wen-Chi Yeh and Mr. Szu-Lung Chen. They have contributed a lot to make sure the contents of the web pages being timely and correct.
麻斑晏蜓Anax panybeus | 台北市立動物園資訊網
10 | 台北市立動物園資訊網
麻斑晏蜓2 @ 這是小明的部落格 | 台北市立動物園資訊網
麻斑晏蜓@ 台灣野鳥圖鑑 | 台北市立動物園資訊網
麻斑晏蜓@ 台灣的蜻蜓 | 台北市立動物園資訊網
麻斑晏蜓Species Anax panybeus Hagen | 台北市立動物園資訊網
蜻蜓點水. 麻斑晏蜓產卵@ Alice的天空:: 痞客邦 | 台北市立動物園資訊網
麻斑晏蜓 | 台北市立動物園資訊網
看圖說故事 | 台北市立動物園資訊網